Emperor, the King of the Kings in Tarot

Six of Swords
4 min readSep 30, 2021

Essence of leadership.

Think about a leader who succeeded in unifying all his kingdoms. That has vision, experience, practical sense. Someone who plans thinking on the greater good, and make it happen. He accepts the prices for his decisions. Sometimes, he can be a little arrogant or too rigid, yet, is persistent and efficient.

He is The Emperor: the king of the kings, as The Empress is the queen of the queens.

In the Hero’s Journey, The Emperor is a moment of building, realization. The moment when the hero takes charge of his own life. It also represents a syntony with the father or a meeting with the first mentor.

He symbolizes the spiritual energy on balance and stability. Remember: it is card number four in the Tarot. A firm and consistent square, a steady table with four feet.

The Emperor governs with wisdom. He is the activity that dominates the passivity, the reason over the passion that imposes discipline.

The Emperor on the Tree of Life

According to Robert Wang in The Qabalistic Tarot, it is correct to say that all male and female figures from Tarot are Hochma and Binah using the mantles from the different levels of vibrating…



Six of Swords

A seeker. Tarot, hermeticism, luck, or destiny. You choose.